This is a simple tool to help track your accepted courier missions in Star Citizen.

It shows the number of collections and deliveries needed per planetary system to help you plan more efficient routes, and displays timers on each mission to help you avoid letting them expire.

Designed to run full-screen @ 1920x1080.

Usage instructions:

The tool is split into 3 main panels. Left to right, they are: Source selection, Destination selection, Mission/route list.

It probably works best if you run it full-screen using the little button in the bottom right.

Step 1 - Accept a courier mission in-game.

Step 2 - Select the source and destination locations in the left and centre columns for your accepted mission.

Step 3 - Press the green "Create Route" button to add it to the tracked list.

Step 4 - Repeat for as many missions as you like!

Step 5 - Once you've collected a package, select the mission in the list and press the green "Collect Route" button to mark it as collected (turns grey).

Step 6 - Once you've delivered a package, select the mission in the list and press the red "Delete" button to remove it from the list.

Quick tips:

  1. If you neatly place the mission crates into your ship in the order you mark them as collected then you'll immediately know at a glance which crate relates to which mission in the list, without having to manually cycle through each one in-game to find out from the mission markers.
  2. Related to tip #1; if you're collecting multiple crates from one location the order they are given to you by the vending machine unfortunately seems to be random. To know which mission you just collected (without having to check your journal) just watch the notification at the top of the screen for where it tells you to take it.
  3. On the far right of each mission in the tracked list there are green and red numbers which show how many crates are due to be collected/delivered at that specific location in total. There's also a marker to more visually see which location has a higher count.
  4. The stats along the bottom of the tool show how many crates are available for collection (green) and/or delivery (red) in each area. The delivery counters only include crates you've already picked up to avoid confusion.
  5. I've seen missions timeout if not collected within an hour, or not delivered within two hours after collection, so I've displayed timers on each mission to help you track these potential limits. I think this might have changed in 3.8 though.

Feel free to let me know of any issues you run into. I can't promise to fix anything, but if this tool does seem of use to others I might take it a bit more seriously. It could certainly do with some optimisation.

I also didn't include any of the locations on Hurston or the R&R stations as I personally don't ever take courier missions from there. It's possible I could add them if there was demand for it, but the existing locations are already a bit of a squeeze with the current layout.

I've no idea what kind of numbers other people make from courier missions, but I'm at around 60-70k aUEC per hour with the help of this.



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